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How to Succeed in Poker


Poker requires a number of skills to succeed. These include discipline, perseverance and confidence in your ability to win. Some of these skills are learned quickly, while others take a bit more time to develop.

Choosing the right games is another important part of successful poker. Good players choose the limits and game variations that best suit their bankroll and are committed to playing smartly.

The most important skill is the ability to read your opponents and know what they are likely to do before they make their next move. Many people develop this ability by watching other players’ facial expressions, body language and their movements while they play.

If you have a good starting hand, you should bet aggressively on the flop and turn to build up your pot size. This is a great strategy because it gives you a lot of bluff equity and lets you price all the weaker hands out of the pot.

It is also a good idea to be assertive with your weaker starting hands, like a pair of Kings or Aces. This will make players more willing to call your raises and give you a chance to price them out of the pot, which is always a good thing in poker.

A bad flop could kill you, especially if you are not holding a big pair. A pair of Js will be a huge underdog against three Js on the flop.